Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a normal emotion when it is appropriate to the situation and not problematic to an
individual. If anxiety or Fear becomes excessive and affects individual's day to day function then
you call it as disorder.

Symptoms of Anxiety Attack
Anxiety or Fear
Panic attacks
Giddiness and Unsteadiness
Chest discomfort and chest tightness
Shortness of breath and Choking sensation
Tremors all over the body and extremities
Sweating and coldness of the palms and soles
Lack of attention and concentration in work and other activities
Apprehension/ irritability
Fear of something bad going to happen
Fear of going crazy

There are Several Categories of Anxiety Disorders

What is Agoraphobia?
Agora phobia fear of staying in a closed space or when someone thinks there is no escape from
the place. Person with this problem experience severe anxiety episodes such as panic attacks
when they go alone in the lift, crowded places such as bus, market and closed room etc..

Fear and avoidance towards specific objects or circumstances like some insects, animals, height,
crackers, getting injection, blood etc

Social Anxiety disorder
People with social anxiety have difficulties in engaging with new people or new task or new
circumstances, participating in social gathering and addressing group of people. They usually
avoid such social situations but when such situations become inevitable then they experience
discomfort and distress. It affects their performance, career growth and daily functions.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
What is Generalized anxiety disorder?
People with this problem have generalized fear or anxiety in every moment of the day or in any
situations. They typically experience free floating anxiety, tiredness, sleep disturbance, and they
constantly feel as if they are living on the edge

Illness anxiety disorders
People with illness anxiety have fear of getting heart attack, cancer or some serious medical
illness which may lead to death. They do repeated consultations with cardiologist, cancer
specialist, Physician and all concerned specialist. They will do all the investigations multiple
times but they would not get convinced if the report is normal. They would browse these illness
from internet and read the symptoms and signs of such illness and finally they may also
experience those symptoms but it’s their perception only they would not have such illnesses

AIDS Phobia
People with this illness have the fear of contracting AIDS and experience the symptoms of
AIDS. They do the testing repeatedly but would not get convinced even if reports show normal.
They also get depressed

Body Dysmorphophobia
People will have fear of having malformed nose face or teeth or body shape or genitalia


If you experience any of these symptoms or conditions you can book consultation in
neuropsychiatry clinic In the clinic comprehensive assessment of your problem will be done If necessary blood test, ECG, and psychological test will be done.

Treatment Approach
Psychological therapies such as CBT counseling, medications such as antianxiety drugs and

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