Causes for Work place adjustment problems
  • Difficult to adjust to the job / environment / people
  •  Decreased coping to stressors
  • Pressure of Deadlines
  • Altered schedule of work
  • Interpersonal adjustments with colleagues
  •  Disparity in the expectations and what you got
  • Being a fresher to the job
  • Difficulty in adjusting with the boss

When you need workplace counselling

  • Decline in performance
  •  Frequent Absenteeism
  • Not being punctual to work
  • Decreased interaction with fellow colleagues
  • Decline in personal hygiene
  • Neglecting work
  • Not finishing work on time
  • Increased substance use like smoking /alcohol

If any of the above-mentioned changes in behavior is noticed, you may require
workplace counselling. Dr. M.S.Karthik offers you guidance, counselling and
therapy if needed based on the severity of condition

Book an Appointment Now!